Cabo Adventures Electric Bike Adventure – See Another Side of Los Cabos

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Cabo San Lucas. It doesn’t matter what is going on in the world, if you want to relax and truly vacation, there is no better spot in the world. Cabo gives you glorious beaches, world-class golf courses and resorts that seem to top each other every year in terms of decadence. All those things by themselves would equate to a memorable vacation, but you might also want something out of the norm to bring some adventure and thrills to those memories. If you want to fly through the air like Superman, take a scenic tour on an electric bike, ride a camel on the beach or swim with dolphins, one company that offers such options and does it to perfection is Cabo Adventures.

Electric Biking with the ocean breeze at your side

Those are all some amazing choices and to decide on one Cabo Adventures excursion is certainly a tough task. If you are looking for a break from the pampered resort life, the Electric Bike Adventure will take you to a part of Cabo you might not know, but you will be glad to meet it.

Electric Biking scenic trail

The approximately 90 minute experience will take you through an assortment of trails that allow you to take in all of the landscape that makes up Cabo. You are going to get to view cactus fields, mountains, trees that are older than anyone ventures to guess and just a non-stop view of nature that we often don’t get to experience anymore. As you make your way closer to the mountains, through sandy trails and rough and rugged paths, the genius part of the experience are the electric bikes. Trying to pedal your way through would be a near impossible task, but with the electric bike, you can do as little or as much work as you like, allowing you to focus on and enjoy the scenery. In Cabo you are probably going to work up a sweat, so the closing end of the bike ride is the perfect way to end the day. You begin your ride back from the desert and you hit the beach, from there you can let loose with your throttle as it is smooth riding down the beach, not only providing a scenic and untouched view, but you get to cool off as the waves crash and sprinkle with the coolness of the ocean.

Celebrating a fun day

Cabo Adventures has a lot more in store for you than your adventurous bike ride and it all begins with a trip to the EcoFarm. Your pre-bike ride visit includes a little bit of history along with what is being done to help Cabo. Everyone loves chocolate and you are given a little history of the world of chocolate the history that Mexico plays in bringing it to the rest of the world and your lesson wouldn’t be complete without a taste of few different versions of freshly made chocolate. From there you get to visit an assortment of animals that the EcoFarm has saved and takes care of. You get a chance to mingle with some adorable goats, donkeys and horses. Finally you get a look into how the EcoFarm and Cabo Adventures are turning plastic into usable products to help the environment and cut down on waste.

You close out your day with your guide enjoying some lunch and a class in how to make margarita-making class along with a mezcal and tequila tasting. The highlight of this experience is getting to not only learn how to make a classic and perfect margarita from your tour guide, in our case the wildly entertaining Pepe. Lunch is a true feast that is a buffet of Mexican food highlighted by a chicken mole that is about is good as any you will find in Cabo. You can’t help but leave this lunch completely satisfied.


As with every experience Cabo Adventures offers, they think of everything. With the Electric Bike Tour, they have not only a guide, but a photographer and someone to help if you have any mechanical with your bikes. Of course they make your are safe, setting you up with helmets along with knee and elbow pads and a locker for you to secure belongings. To make sure you have no worries for the day, they also provide round trip transportation in an air-conditioned van from most hotels in Cabo. The only things you need to worry about bringing other than yourself is biodegradable sunscreen, comfortable clothing and make sure to bring money for entrance fee at Tierra Sagrada, that is extra at the entrance, and to purchase photos and souvenirs as well as making sure that you tip the incredible team that takes care of you.

Dolphin Swim Experience

If you came to Cabo and just spent a day at the beach, Pepe and the team at Cabo Adventures could make building sandcastles memorable, that is how much pride they have when it comes to taking care of you. So just imagine how memorable riding a camel, climbing through mountains to zipline or riding an electric bike through desert would be. There is no question Cabo has a lot to offer, but there is no one who puts together that one iconic day, whatever you choose to do, quite like Cabo Adventures.

For more information, visit: Cabo Adventures

You can also find information on Cabo Adventures at most resorts, walking downtown or before you leave the United States, you can call 1-800-916 8734 to set things up in advance.

(Photos Courtesy Cabo Adventures)


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